
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Someone at the Herald should be shot

I am sorry, but the Herald-Leader sports department just needs a quick little slap on the wrist. This is beginning to become comical.

I am big fans of the Herald. I read their stuff everyday. I am big fans of Mark Story and John Clay, Herald sports columnists. I think Clay's blog is one of the best on the web.

Both have been on my radio show before, and I am truly grateful, and I hope this blog post doesn't sway them from ever coming on my show again, because this has nothing to do with bashing their opinions or the content of their columns.

In fact, I think they should receive just a small portion of the criticism I am about to hand out.

Over the last three weeks, I have seen columns from both Story and Clay that have had really BAD errors in them. Am I nitpicking? Oh, maybe. But when I see two mistakes like these in a matter of weeks, I begin to think that the editor is out to lunch, smoking some crack, or maybe trying to hang Story and Clay out to dry.

What am I talking about? Well, on May 25, Mark Story had a different name for the Louisville Cardinals' wide reciever:

"GOOD NEWS is that Keenan Burton was tabbed as the 14th-best wide receiver in
the country (and, if he and Woodson stay healthy, that's way, way low).

BAD NEWS is that Louisville has two wide receivers ranked higher (Henry Douglas eighth and Mario Urrutia 11th) on the same list."

Come on Mark. It's Harry. It makes you look stupid, and I KNOW that you aren't. I hope you punched your editor in the face.

But then, just today (June 14) John Clay made a 20-question list, and missed a number on the list and listed another number twice.

The content of both of these articles was great. Two fine reads. But it makes you just sit back and think "uhhh, come on guys."

But the blame should be put mostly on the editor who should FREAKIN proofread! It's one thing if you misspell on a blog, or screw up numerous times on a radio show (that's me). It's entirely another when you have time to write a well-thought-out column, proofread it, proofread it again, give it to an editor for him to proofread, proofread, and proofread again, and then get this.

These errors are not good for the reputation of their sports section, one of which I am still a fan of. Just be careful boys. Proofread your work, because no one else there is.

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