My apologies for having not posted in awhile. And I appreciate the e-mails (even the critics who say "freakin blog or delete the blog you retard") that asked/demanded that I put up a blog post every once in awhile. The fact that you care is cool... all apologies.
There's been one question that I've received a lot as of late, and that's "do you see the people ripping you on the message boards?"
The answer: absolutely.
I think it's great. It always make me think about how when I was little, I wanted to be in sports radio. And when I was younger, I idolized college basketball in this area. LaBradford Smith was my hero. I would try and imitate Jamal Mashburn on my backyard basketball court.
Now, message boards came around much later than LA and Mash, but I've got to be honest. It's an honor, knowing that I've always wanted to do something in sports, that I'm even a topic of any thread on a college sports message board. I had no idea I had any influence at all, but I guess I do. To some the influence is negative, to some it's positive. Some think I'm great. Some think I suck. It's all okay either way.
To me, it's just a laugh. All I care about is that you listen. When my bosses see the message boards, all they see is people that are listening, which is all they want--and all I need--to keep my job.
My main purpose for visiting the message boards is to check the pulse of the "lunatic fringe" fan base. You guys are passionate. You care.
But I can't take you seriously all the time. You are a fraction. A SMALL fraction, of the fan base. You all are just the only ones with the time and energy to post on your favorite teams. For most boards, even the listed record number of posters wouldn't fill up an ordinary D2 basketball gym.
Nothing wrong with that, but to answer the number of e-mails and phone calls I'll get from friends and listeners: yes, I see people blast me on the message boards, and no I don't care. There's certainly not enough of them to care, and at least they're listening, and at least they care enough to post about me...
which I think is really cool.
Now, hopefully my next post won't be that far off.